samedi 30 juin 2007


Hier je parlais de désir; la nouvelle folie pour le IPhone , le téléphone multi-usage de la compagnie Apple en est le parfait example. La publicité pour un futile produit de consommation qui envoute des gens au point d'en perdre tout leur jugement...
I was so excited flying from my home in Halifax to New York this morning--I was getting an iPhone!
At the Apple store in the SoHo section of New York, there was a carnival atmosphere throughout the afternoon, which built to a climax with a crowd of hundreds counting down from five, right before 6 pm. In the last hour before doors opened, a man was even heard selling spots close to the front of the line to those who were closest to the back.
By morning the line outside the SoHo store stretched for three blocks. Some enthusiasts were napping in folding chairs while others talked on the phone or to each other as they waited. Temperatures had dipped nearly 20 degrees Fahrenheit since Tuesday and though the skies threatened rain, the weather provided a more comfortable atmosphere for iPhone enthusiasts than the summer heat that assaulted them earlier in the week.
Eisher was the second one in line outside the San Francisco store, having camped out in a small tent since Thursday morning. He awoke Friday, turned on his computer and used the Apple store's free wi-fi service, which extended out to the sidewalk. "I saw a picture of myself on Yahoo News," he said

A voir ces réactions et la manière avec laquelle les médias traitent ce genre de nouvelles, au lieu de nous informé des vrais enjeux, ca me fait penser à ces paroles de Juvénal qui datent de l'antiquité romaine:"Du pain et des jeux". Son oeuvre décrit parfaitement le comportement du peuple qui allait finir par la chute de l'empire romain. Ce qui se passe de nos jours présage t'il la chute de l'empire americain... Une chance que Paris Hilton ne s'est pas procuré un IPhone, on aurait interrompu les émissions de télévision pour un bulletin spécial... "Ils sont fous ces américains" comme dirait Astérix.

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